
October 26, 2020


Are Questions Cropping Up Your Mind Related To Microsoft Excel?

People generally ask multifarious questions related to the functioning of Excel spreadsheets. This is because of Excel’s awesome capabilities of conducting multiple functions. However, people do come up with umpteen number of questions, to which solutions are needed instantly. Some of such questions are stated below. Just have a look:

  • How can varied documents be opened in one go?
  • How two comments of any document can be visualized and perceived in one go?
  • How to make columns as well as headings of each and every row eye catchy?
  • How worksheets can be assigned varied names?
  • How to pick and choose one call or multiple cells at a time?
  • How cells can be keep under the curtain so that they become invisible?
  • How casing of the alphabets can be manipulated?
  • How to disallow a file in getting exposed to any kind of editing?
  • How to the employ the short keys in the most appropriate way for performing necessary functions?
  • How to mold Excel so that it acquires the most sought-after mail merging capabilities?
  • How to create a close connection between a large number of cells in the spreadsheet?
  • How to make any kind of alterations in the Excel workbook that is being used by everyone in the team?

In order to have solutions to the above-mentioned questions, head towards Trunao, asd you’ll get all your answers.



5 Reasons Why You Should Ditch PC-based Spreadsheets for Web Applications

Spreadsheets are everywhere! They allow you to store, index and edit data in a simple and sophisticated manner. PC-based spreadsheets are relied upon by many organizations. However, this legendary tool has its shortcomings. Accessing data becomes a hassle for users once the worksheet becomes too heavy. Here are five reasons why you should move your spreadsheet to a web application.

Suitable Only for Single-User

As the spreadsheet continues to store data, it becomes laggy and heavy. Loss of time is something most organizations will frown upon. Taking your sheet online for multi-user collaboration will give speed to your operations.


Spreadsheets allow users to enter practically any data. Users tend to make mistakes while manually entering data, which can lead to unpleasant compromises. The conversion will help multiple users to work on the files with minimum to no errors.


Security of the sensitive organizational data is a major concern when creating and maintaining data on a large scale. But if you convert Excel to database, you get additional security as the data is hidden from unauthorized personnel.


Data is often subjected to scrutiny and final approvals. On a spreadsheet, this becomes an obstacle. However, when you convert Excel to web application, the data can be approved and even sent for client insights.

Difficult to keep a track

Spreadsheets are often used by different people related to the project, but when that happens, keeping a track of everyone and their input becomes close to impossible. On a database, keeping track of inputs becomes as easy as snapping your fingers.

Take your Excel data on a database today with Trunao to speed up the productivity and enable easy and real-time tracking of work that’s being done.

Convert Excel to an Online Database

Upload your excel file here