

Excel to Web App

Why Trunao is the best among all other software?

Trunao is the best web-based excel application and you may effortlessly upgrade your spreadsheets into an online database. With Trunao, you can publish all Excel worksheets online, safely share them with others, and work with many users in a no-code web application using an integrated online spreadsheet database. Moving to a cloud database can satisfy your spreadsheet data storage needs.

With Trunao – An advanced online spreadsheet editor, you can access all forms, gather customer information, and work with your team on a simple, intuitive platform. Let’s discuss why Trunao is the best among all other software:

  • Excel spreadsheets significantly reduce file sizes and make working with them easier, however, analyzing data across several excel files is just too time-consuming.
  • In this day of telework and cloud computing, it can be alluring to use Excel as a database, but doing so exposes your company to significant hazards, including data leaks, unauthorized access, and decreased productivity.
  • You may effortlessly upgrade your spreadsheets into an online database by using Trunao. It assists you in converting a spreadsheet to database.
  • With Trunao, you can publish all Excel worksheets online, safely share them with others, and work with many users in a no-code web application using an integrated online spreadsheet database.
  • Moving to a cloud database can satisfy your spreadsheet data storage needs. With Trunao, you can access all forms, gather customer information, and work with your team on a simple, intuitive platform.

As a result, the above listed are about why Trunao is the best among all other software. Compared to other applications, Trunao is the fastest web based excel application that doesn’t require coding and has a few unique capabilities.

Also read: Why You Should Turn Excel to Web Application?


Integrating Spreadsheets into a Website or WordPress Site

Many have called or emailed to check if Trunao can help to Integrate or embed spreadsheets into Websites or WordPress. The answer to this is an overwhelming YES.

The process of taking your sheet to the WordPress page of the website is quite simple in Trunao. It will take you less than an hour to integrate a spreadsheet and have it become available on your website once the sheet is converted to a Form in Trunao. All that is necessary is to enable the flag for Share Listing and copying the link to be put on your HTML page.

For step by step instructions, follow the link below.

2.5 Integrate Spreadsheet into Website or WordPress Site

It was quickly realized that a lot of individuals and small companies are struggling to take your sheets data and share it either through a login portal for your members or open it up for public consumption. And so, Trunao was also able to make their lives a lot simpler. Below is an example of public access usage for Trunao.

Since Trunao – free online excel editor has the ability for multiple pictures, the shared list on the web can also show the associated pictures for each of the records. For example, if the search listing is for a house on rent or sale, the host can put all the pictures to be browsed by the consumer.

Other examples include marriage database, car listing, Event attendees, etc.

Are you still using Excel or Google Spreadsheets? Time for a change.

Sign-up now and enjoy the features you have been missing.

#Trunao #ExceltoDatabase #ExceltoWebsite

Convert Excel to an Online Database

Upload your excel file here