
4.3. Column Dropdown

The following menu is displayed by clicking the caret icon next to the column name.
4.3. Column Dropdown

Column Down Arrow

1. Column Down Arrow
Click the down arrow to display the column menu. Each column has this menu and the options are applicable to the selected menu.

Sort Column Data

2. Sort Column Data
By clicking this menu the column data is sorted from A-Z if you click again then the reverse sort happens Z-A.

Column Move Left/Right

3. Column Move Left/Right
Use the Move Right to move the current column to the right of the next column. By using the Left you move the column to the left.

Column Properties

4. Column Properties
Use this menu option to either see the current column properties of change the column options. The details of this popup is covered as part of the Edit Design.

Add New Column

5. Add New Column
This will allow the user to add a new column/field to the left or right of the selected field in the listing. Details of the Add New Column is covered in Edit Design.

Column Show/Hide

6. Column Show/Hide
Click Hide to hide the selected column. The Show menu shows a popup box where all the hidden fields are show. Select the field you need to show and select teh left or the right button to show in the listing.

Column Search Filter

7. Column Search Filter
This is a column search or Filter option. User can just start tying once he stops the system will filter the data based on the text typed.